Investy is a social cryptoinvestment platform.
Our mission is to provide new members of the exchange with opportunities of safe
and simple investing in the new industry, to help new members and experienced
ones such as traders and cryptofunds to find each other.
Investy is a decentralized investment platform, allowing inward investment
crypto, funds, portfolios and private tradersinan accessible, transparent
and walkways.
The next logical step in the development of crypto infrastructure is the creation of a lease of investment platforms. The platform for the funding of the marketplace for funds, traders and other professions and the function of a mutual management management tomonitor management system. Since long time, aplatform must be guaranteed integrity, securingan investor from withdrawal by disentristraderon the one hand, succeeding professionally also under the hands. Investing is absolutely not necessary technical opportunity It is very important, transparency, and security.
DATA TRANSPARENCY We provide investors with a market here by choosing a trader or rabbit fund and making data about the job That he sees authentic sare. Also he may be sure no one will hand over the money to his son.
Many of them are unable to submit financial statements to investors, and also those without high law know more about disposal cases. There are many examples, and this can not help but. According to thecurrentituation, a lot Merchants can not attract investors, because they have no competence
needed for interest and avoid marketing.
SAFETYOFINVESTMENTS. No one can transmit used goods, they also often travel in your account, your transfers can make transactions, and at least by the platform. Wait for the first stode system and maintain the system, a good assumption to accept and reject fraudulent transactions.
Investing via Investy You can be sure not only money you will not attract, but also collect confidential information from the merchant. No one can lose your security This is the maximum security you can do in the environment. TRUST. So, consider the problem of lack of service and standards, which will improve their professionals in financial management and those who are
want to suspect others well. Unlike lawyers, etc., wedonotmake Money from your customers, but also generate winery.Atradergetsprofit-aninvestorgetsprofit-theplatform getsprofit system.
Do not hesitate to remember the answer. You may not know how to "insert" the asryptor what to do after buying bitcoin, welcome to our platform.
You see a platform with a marketplace, where you can trade or give your money to trust management. The following question arises: what is new here?

The matter is that the platform is not a centralized holder of investors’ funds. And even a trader does not have access to your account. When opening a trust account, he receives only the key to transaction conducting. But even here is an anti-fraud barrier — Investy expert protection, which will not allow a trader to conduct suspicious transactions.
The prototype of the program is ready, and a beta version for pre-sale participants will be launched soon.
Within the Bounty-campaign for investors, the platform demo will be available, where users will have a certain amount of bitcoins on demo accounts.
There will be a competition before the release. In the course of this, a rating of traders will be made, the best ones will be awarded. The most important thing is that the history of trades will be recorded in the blockchain, what means that the rating of traders reflects real achievements, not a fictional history.
When a trader registers on the platform, investors see when the trader “entered” the platform, how many tools he has got now in the management and other parameters. Traders determine the amount of their reward in percentage terms. And the investor sees this condition in advance.
Investors can keep their assets on an exchange, which they trust more. We are planning to integrate with all the largest crypto exchanges: Poloniex, WEX, Bittrex, Bitstamp.
On the platform an investor can choose a trader that matches his expectations according to various parameters: profitability, a size of trader’s commission and of course a stock exchange, where a trader works.
After that, we connect a trader with an investor’s account, moreover, the investor can in advance set certain parameters and conditions, such as a stop-loss. For example, if he is afraid of a drawdown of more than 20% of the deposit, he puts a stop-loss and with such a drawdown the trust management will close.
Work is in the base currency, which is set by a trader: BTC, ETH. Since operations are made from an investor’s account, the profit is immediately saved on this account.
The developers told about the key advantages that give a unique opportunity for every inhabitant of the Planet to enter a new era of capital management.
Investy earns on commission from the profit of investors: it is profitable for us when you earn.
If you have any questions, please text us on Telegram https://t.me/InvestyCommunityRu or https://t.me/InvestyCommunityEN.
The revenue of the platform will be formed from: commission from the profit from management and subscription to services. Token holders will receive reduced commissions: the more Investy tokens are on a wallet, the lower the commission is. Imagine that you are investing $ 10,000 in management, and you double that amount for a month, the base commission of the platform is 5%, so, if the net profit is $ 10,000, the platform charges a base commission of $ 500. But if you have our tokens on your ETH-wallet, for example, for $ 5000, the commission will be $ 250–300.
If you no longer need the platform service, you can simply sell the tokens on the exchange.
Tokens will be used as subscriptions to platform services, so, if you want to use functionality of a demo account or trading robot testing, just keep a certain number of tokens on your ETH-wallet. After you no longer need the functionality, you can sell them on the exchange.
Also, to stimulate the growth of the token value, we will take a part of the platform’s net profit to buy tokens from exchanges at the current exchange rate, after what the tokens will expire. This will provide an effective demand and lead to an increase of the token price.
Click here to participate in closed pre-sale http://investy.io
Investy solves the main problem of current investment tools! Lack of transparency and trust. The time when a broker could draw his trading history backdating, how he “successfully” earned on the stock exchange, will soon remain in the past. This history is not confirmed. An investor, believing this broker, gives the finance at his own risk. The Investy platform records all operations to the blockchain, which means they are reliable and open, and they cannot be falsified. Thus, every trader or fund working via the platform is interested in earning income for himself and his clients.
Investy is a single marketplace for traders and funds. An investor does not transfer capital to trust management, but he transfers his stock account without the possibility of withdrawal, thereby depriving a trader of the opportunity to travel to the Maldives with money. The income from transactions immediately goes to the investor’s account. All transactions pass through the Investy expert system, what excludes the possibility of any fraud.
How to make investments in crypto currency understandable and accessible? Everyone has heard about bitcoin, but how to buy it? Investy provides a full cycle of activities necessary for the comfortable entry of a newcomer into crypto currency market. The platform will allow its customers to exchange fiat money for crypto currency and immediately receive income.
More details about the problems that Investy solves we will tell in the near future. You can address questions to the developers right now: https://t.me/InvestyCommunityEN

The idea of the developers is the WEB application platform, due to the decentralization of the recorded information all operations passing through the platform are absolutely transparent.
Confidence about the safety of your funds
*All operations pass through the Investy expert system, what excludes the possibility of fraud.
*Operations committed maliciously are blocked by the system, the fraudster is deprived of the opportunity to work via the platform, and investor's money is safe.
*Investy expert system is a reliable guardian of your investments.
Combining the best
*the fiat gateway for easy crypto currency purchase
*the designer of crypt portfolios
*the marketplace for traders and funds
*the analytical tools
Token Sale - November 24, 2017!
What funds does Investy intend to raise?
- Soft Cap ICO is $ 3.2 million. We plan to raise them at the pre-ICO stage, Alexey said.
Before dealing with ICO get the support and advice of experienced and successful startuppers. On September 28, the KickICO development team run a workshop.
Being on a roll, the guys shared the experience in ICO and then, after conducting the expert evaluation within the project competition, they shared the KickICO tokens with three best projects. 10 companies who listened to the experts attended the event.
Tokens allocation

Functions and benefits of IVC token
ACCESS. Any trader or fund using the platform for trusted management is required to maintain 5% of all managed investments in IVC on the wallet. For example, a trader or a fund is planning to take into trust $1 million of assets via the Investy platform. In this case, the trader must deposit at least $50,000 in the IVC wallet, which represents 5% of the entire trusted management value.
The value of assets in the traders’s portfolio fluctuates over time as the value of market assets also fluctuates, according to the transaction volume of incoming and outgoing funds from other investors. At the same time, IVC tokens shall be constantly present at all times on the wallet of any trader of the platform, representing at least 5% of the traders’s managed investments valuation. This principle ensures that all operational assets of the platform can be used. In case that IVC share on a wallet drops below 5%, the trader will reject investments until the IVC share again is equal to its 5% threshold or exceeds it.
DISCOUNT. The token holders will receive reduced commissions, the more IVC tokens are on the wallet, the lower the commission is. Imagine that you are investing $ 10,000 in management, and you double that amount for a month. At the base platform commission of 5%, an investor shall pay $ 500 of commission. But if you have our tokens on your wallet, for example, for $ 5000, the commission will be $ 250–300. If you no longer want to use the platform, you can simply sell the tokens.
SUBSCRIPTION. Tokens will be used as subscriptions to platform services, so, if you want to use functionality of a demo account or trading robot testing, just keep a certain number of tokens on your wallet. After you no longer need any platform services, you can just sell IVC on the exchange.
Thus, the IVC token combines two functions: first, it is a product token, because it will be used as an advance payment for subscribing to the platform services after its release. Second, IVC is a discount token, because the IVC holders will receive discounts and reduced commissions depending on the number of IVC on their digital wallets.
The developers have chosen the increasingly popular messenger Telegram as one of the channels for attracting investors. For the PR company, a channel has been created for the EN-speaking and the foreign audience. Also, the developers are ready to answer all the questions in the chat https://t.me/InvestyCommunityEN. Click here for more information about the “white paper” of the project and the project itself http://www.investy.io
*September 2017
Closed pre-sale,
conducting a closed pre-sale.
*Launching of prototype
Web interface, registration, Poloniex integration
October 2017.
*November - December 2017
The competition and Token Sale
Portfolio creating, Demo portfolio following.
*Trading Beta
Trading terminal, cryptofund integration, public portfolios
February 2018.
*May 2018
Release 1.0
Decentraliced trusted management on real assets.
*Expert system, Investy Index
The launch of Investy Index, a fiat money gateway for investors
August 2018.

СЕО — Alexey Pershin mainly dealt with his own business projects, over the past five years has created more than 100 job positions.
СТО — Artem Golovachev took part as a tech lead in the development of the trade risk optimization system for Deutsche Bank.
CBDO — Pavel Zdorotsev took part in the creation of joint investment funds with the largest Chinese funds. He headed the department of the evaluation of investment projects at one of the largest banks in Russia.
Alexander Vedernikov is an experienced enterprise architect, he developed architectural solutions for Luxoft clients around the world.
Further information:
Author (iyanfoursix46): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1061980
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