Bitmora is a US-based cryptocurrency exchange platform set to revolutionize the way the digital currency exchange world operates. We will be bringing a one of a kind trading platform to the market with low fees, enterprise grade security, and a unique voting system designed to put the future of cryptocurrency exchanges in the hands of activists and users alike.
Building an exchange for the people, by the people.
An exchange built by real traders and innovators that not only listen to the public, but makes their ideas come reality.
The world's first digital asset exchange built by the community. Bitmora is set to host a fully functional mobile application, around-the-clock phone support staff, and an established user voting system to provide users an exceptional trading experience. With a revolutionary fee system which features both fixed and percentage-based fees, Bitmora enables easy and cheap trading costs for both small and large volume accounts.
Bitmora's mission to revolutionize the cryptographic exchange cost system, to establish a voting system that puts crypto future in the hands of users and bitcoin activists and launches the world's best iOS and Android kriptocurrency applications along with a web interface that will accommodate both of our trades. platform and voting system.
Bitmora is limited to its core value where consumers and users can give their confidence and confidence.
Bitmora's vision is to revolutionize the way the world sees cryptocurrency investment. All major revolutions have been achieved not by the leader alone, but by the people behind the leader. Instead of going against history, we will put all major decisions directly in the hands of our users.
We care about our community and are willing to prove it. From day one, we will provide superior customer support to what is currently offered and mobile apps with coin offerings far exceed our competitors. More importantly, we recognize that the problems facing today's crypto-cardiac community will not be the same as tomorrow, so we've built a unique voting system that can adapt to this ever-changing landscape in a very efficient and fair way .
We want to help the world understand Bitcoin, Ethereal, and other altcoins. By placing a crypto future in the hands of our users and pairing with global crypto technology leaders, we will give the world a chance to not only testify, but play a role in the formation of the future currency.
Bitmora is a US-based cryptocurrency exchange platform set to revolutionize the way the digital currency exchange world operates. We will be bringing a one of a kind trading platform to the market with low fees, enterprise grade security, and a unique voting system designed to put the future of cryptocurrency exchanges in the hands of activists and users alike.
Our founders, Colton Brister, Elias Mansour, and Joseph Dagostino have come together with the intention of creating an exchange that is not only built for the people, but by the people. Our service will provide a platform that allows users to globally exchange cryptocurrency in a professional manner and help set the standard for all professional cryptocurrency trading.
Bitmora will offer the following as part of their services to their clients. Everything is safe and easy to use:
* The cost system is currently unacceptable. Bitmora Obviously to change this. Our cost system will allow users to choose the cost they want, our first step to get back into the hands of our users. After registration, users will be given two options: fixed rate or. Users will be able to change it at any time by contacting our team via ticket or phone. However, seven days of "cool down" will be exploited to reduce costs. For the fee, please see WHITEPAPER: https://bitmora.com/whitepaper.
* According to Bitmora, today's crypto-curential executives run them without. We want to change this system overhead. Our voting system will be the best user-thinking option for future cryptocurrency passed through a rigorous litmus test in which popular opinion is weighed against the bitcoins that function as Member Members of Bitmora Promotion and Control.
As demand for Bitcoin, Ethereal, and altcoin rocketed into all-time highs, the majority of bourses did not produce much improvement. Forced to trade on dated machines with poor security and slow customer support systems, the exchange users recognize the need for improvement. We are ready to provide the solution. Everything from our machines to our interface will set a new standard in an outdated market.
Our exchange platform will be built on custom-embedded StreamDB database connected to a distributed ledger platform. It will be built from the ground up to allow error-checking and to target multiple volumes for redundancy. With our matching engines design, we will be able to handle over 1 million orders per second, making it one of the fastest on the market today.
We will use high performance Order Management Systems (OMS) to handle all orders, so we can easily scale them to the appropriate size. Our load balancers will control the flow of access to our gateway which handles everything from user interface and APIs to other user related activity. Order executions, stops-limits, and management will be run through our robust risk management system and will implement a wide range of limits and controls for orders.
High-Volume Capacity
With exchange volume reaching all-time highs, we recognize the need for our engine to be able to handle volume of any size along with all customer requests. By separating volume evenly into OMSs we will be able to maintain steady execution times even at peak volume points. For example, if we have 100,000 clients we will utilize 10 OMSs, with each OMS hosting 10,000 clients.
The main advantage of the fixed based fee system is that it caters to our higher volume clients. This is a system that stock traders and investors are used to and deserve.
Our destination:
* Revolutionize the cost of cryptocurrency exchange system.
* Establish a voting system that places crypto future in the hands of users and bitcoin activists.
* Launch the best iOS and Android app of cryptococcus next to the web interface that will accommodate our trading platform and voting system.
Our Timeline:
* Launch the beta at the beginning of Q1, 2018
* Full launch at end of Q1, 2018
Cost System
Charges on the current exchange can not be accepted. Bitmora realizes the need to change this. Our cost system will allow users to choose the cost they want, our first step to control back into the hands of our users.
After registration, users will be given two options: fixed rate or basic percentage. Users will be able to change it at any time by contacting our support team via ticket or phone. However, seven days of "cool down" will be utilized to prevent misuse of costs.
All suggestions will be cleared every other Friday. Users may post multiple suggestions, but will be faced with a 24-Hour cooling period. Suggestions may be posted multiple times, regardless of the results of their previous posting. As of the date of writing, the “appropriate number of up-votes” is considered to be 5% of our total number of users, this method is subject to change.
Bitmora will utilize enterprise-performance order matching, With ultra-lean architecture, we will be able to execute 1 million transactions per second with multiple failover safe guards in place.
Our rates:
Fixed Price — $7 + 0.03% Takers / 0.01% Makers
Percentage Based — 0.24% Takers / 0.14% Makers
Bitmora will operate on: Browsers (IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera), iOS, Android.
The feature list of the mobile app will support:
* Place Buy/Sell Orders
* Control Margin Orders
* Charting
* View account balances / View positions
* Open, Canceled, and Executed orders – Able to sort by date/timeframe
* Add/Remove Alerts + Push Notifications
* Deposit/Withdrawal options (with QR code)
* Recent News
* Manage support tickets/one-touch to call customer care
* Voting system access
We will be monitoring everything from our servers to cold storage 24/7/365, while utilizing routine audits to ensure nothing goes missing. All cold storage will be stored in offsite, undisclosed locations with round the clock security. There will be no automation software linking our cold wallets and hot wallets. We will utilize strict, classified guidelines that the company follows to withdraw the funds.
All employees of Bitmora will undergo background checks and security screenings. Anybody who has access to move funds from accounts will go through a very high scrutiny security check. Your average customer support representative will not have access to move or touch your funds, they will have only viewing privileges. All employees will undergo extensive training to make sure they not only understand the Bitcoin and Blockchain networks, but also our security procedures and systems.
AML/KYC. Bitmora will stay in full compliance with FinCEC AML (Anti-Money Laundering)/KYC (Know Your Customer) regulations. By law we will be required to report any suspicious activity and collect certain customer information depending on account volume. While Bitmora fully understands the reason behind a Blockchain and anonymous network, we still must follow the laws of countries we service to. We will not ask more than required by law, and your information will not be shared with the public in any form whatsoever.
Bitmora will use the voting system, The voting system will ensure changes that occur the user will assume the best for the period of cryptourrency passed through a rigorous litmus test against public opinion that considers the opinion of the bitcoin actors who act as council and influencer adviser to Bitmora. System work is as follows:

* Users submit suggestions to one of our suggestion boards.
* The top twenty suggestions for receiving a vote appropriate to our two week grace period will be assigned to our private voice group.
* If the recommendation gets a 50% approval rating from the personal vote group, suggestions will be submitted to our Influencer Group.
* Our Influencer Group will choose what they consider to be the 5 most urgent suggestions for review by the Bitmora Advisory Board.
* Our Advisory Panel will vote on each of the five suggestions and the suggestions will be forwarded to our Executive Team for final approval.
The Executive Team will ignore the suggestions and put the changes in effect as soon as possible. Lower the suggestion, and release a statement explaining the user's reason, and go to the side panel with the diluent and Advisory Board to discuss the proper way to proceed.
In this case Bitmora will utilize matching of company performance orders. With ultra-lean architecture, bitmora will be able to execute 1 million transactions per second with some failover security officers. From startup to Q2 2018 bitmora will use order ordering system cross order.
This allows bitmora to take volume from other exchanges if we can not fill user. This will be an automated process that will make the movement of the stock moving.
Bitmora Matching Engine will utilize matching of company performance orders. With ultra-lean architecture, we will be able to execute 1 million transactions per second with some failover security guards in place.
From startup to Q2 of 2018 we will be taking advantage of the cross-exchange order book system, allowing us to take volume from other exchanges if we are unable to fill it on ours. This will be an automatic process that will keep our exchange liquid in movement.
cryptocurrency exchanges have no laws requiring them to release financial statements to the public. We at Bitmora think transparency is essential for any money service business. Starting on our official launch, we will be releasing monthly financial statements that will be readily available on our website.
statement of cash flows, and other more specific data pieces such as coin volume. Security and Compliance Security is of utmost importance. We will be monitoring everything from our servers to cold storage 24/7/365, while utilizing routine audits to ensure nothing goes missing. All cold storage will be stored in offsite, undisclosed locations with round the clock security. There will be no automation software linking our cold wallets and hot wallets. We will utilize strict, classified guidelines that the company follows to withdraw the funds.
All employees of Bitmora will undergo background checks and security screenings. Anybody who has access to move funds from accounts will go through a very high scrutiny security check. Your average customer support representative will not have access to move or touch your funds, they will have only viewing privileges.
All employees will undergo extensive training to make sure they not only understand the Bitcoin and Blockchain networks, but also our security procedures and systems.
Bitmora will offer multiple forms of 2FA listed below:
* Google Authenticator
* Authy
* Email
All data will be encrypted, both in transit and at rest. We won’t take any chances when it comes to user information. We will utilize automatic systems that check for unusual logins and withdrawal requests. Even in the extremely unlikely case that someone gains access to your acount without 2FA enabled, our automatic system will still be able to halt withdrawal requests.
All exchange data will be backed up in real time to prevent any interruption
while flowing through the network. Our systems will be setup to automatically protect against Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, using rate-limiting, concurrent connection limits, and active whitelist/blacklist management controls.
*Biometic Security*
We use multi-modal biometric security and access control systems, the latest innovation in controlled access. We utilize temperature verified fingerprint scans, iris scans, 3-D facial recognition, and voice recognition to access our facilities and cold storage housing.
All information sent to our servers goes first through a gateway secured by an advanced firewall. Everything from our gateways and OMS's to our auditing system is secured behind state of the art firewall systems.
*Controled Biometric Access Legally Compliant*
Registered as a C-Corp in the United States, we are licensed and compliant with FinCEN, AML, and KYC policies. Operating globally, we comply with legal requirements in all jurisdictions we allow customers to register and trade from.
*Controled Biometric Access Network Security and Auditing*
We perform routine audits on our finances, databases, user accounts, and security systems to ensure all systems and authorized users are in check. Identifying system weaknesses as soon as possible is important and is acted upon immediately if found.
Bitmora was founded to bring real trust and professionalism to digital asset exchanges. My ultimate goal to make people feel secure when they put their money in our exchange.” COLTON BRISTER, CEO.
According to us Bitmora is a platform that can be used by users of cryptocurrency in exchange and transaction digitan that works optimally.
Bitmora also held a bounty program. This is a great opportunity for the users. In addition to understanding Bitmora we can also benefit from this bounty. So for users and participants do not miss this wonderful opportunity.
Security on our exchange is of utmost importance to us. We are dedicated to providing the best security we can to ensure no funds ever go missing.
Our systems work at lightning fast speeds to make sure you get the price you want.
Bitmora is the first ever exchange to allow the community to vote on user suggestions for new features. Vote on a poll and take pride when you see it live knowing you helped get it passed.
Bitmora Inc. is a fully registered C-Corp in the USA, MSB compliant with FinCEN, and is backed by strong bank agreements.
Whether you’re on your desktop device or mobile phone, you will be able to trade, analyze, and control your investments. We make it easy for beginners, but also effective for experienced users.
A desktop version is in the early planning stages however, no official release date is set at this moment.
We will support API connections to allow developers to build apps that can hookup and stream/send data from our exchange.
Our cold storage funds will be distributed worldwide in multiple, undisclosed locations. We provide routine audits, enterprise DDoS protection, and ensure funds are securely protected by numerous access control systems and software.
Download our monthly financial data and view all fees we receive along with monthly volume exchanged on all pairs. Your trust is of utmost importance to us.
We’re all tired of paying ridiculous fees. That’s why we are introducing a revolutionary fee system that no cryptocurrency exchange has ever used before. You get to choose between two systems, and depending on your trading type and volume, one system may be more affordable than the other.
we have built a unique voting system that can adjust to this constantly changing landscape in a highly efficient and fair manner.
We want to help the world understand Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other altcoins. By putting the future of cryptocurrency in our users’ hands and pairing with global crypto tech leaders we will give the world an opportunity to not only witness, but play a part in the establishment of the currencies of the future.
Bitmora will use a revolutionary cost system that lets users choose the fees they pay. With a choice between a fixed cost system or a percentage, users will find that they can almost always benefit from the flexibility provided by the two options.
Percentage based is Taker and Maker about 0.20% per transaction. Bitmora cost percentage will be a fixed fee-based system, which has a 0.03% withdrawal fee, producer fee of 0.01%, with additional flat rate. Cost $ 7 This breaks the normal cost into two if it trades over $ 10,000.
Bitmora fund campaign explains, Bitmora will not release ICO. While Bitmora strongly agrees with the use of ICO by a decentralized fintech company, it seems counterproductive and counterproductive to make use of the coin itself; For starters, Bitmora is centered, then, Bitmora does not intend to be anything other than the best exchange on the market, now ICO has done nothing to achieve that goal.
Instead of ICO, Bitmora's funding campaign will be structured like the original crowdfund, with payments starting no later than 3 months after the official opening. Percentage of 30% will still be inspired from Bitmora's monthly redistribution income to fund campaign participants. Depending on the investor level, monthly payments can continue for 12-18 months in a row.
Bitmora has no intention of doing anything other than the best exchange in the market. We have no plans to launch ICO.
Bitmora will not be an ICO-based funding campaign, this is more comparable to crowdfunding. I strongly believe that ICO represents decentralized new technology in the field of crypto, and realizes that we are not both. Bitmora is being built to transform the exchange sector in a way that has never existed before.
The funding campaign will be launched on December 8th. Unlike ICO, it is not determined to increase millions, but the maximum fund to be collected is set at $ 600k. Investing as small as $ 10 will guarantee a monthly payment according to the exchange volume for the first 18 months. Bitmora executives have stated that 30% of monthly income is set aside for participants in funding campaigns in each of these months.
The level of participants and voting rights depends on how many campaigns they are doing. If you feel generous they will also provide donation options that will not count towards your voting status.
The partnership between AlphaPoint's Bitmora and the Blockchain giant has been created to build this revolutionary exchange. AlphaPoint has partnerships with many companies in the world of digital assets, including CME Group and Intel SGX technology to build better Blockchain (APN).
The funding campaign will be launched on December 8 and will last a maximum of two months, once the $ 600k limit is up, it will close.
January-February 2018 Tim Bitmora will begin attending press conferences around the world to promote Blockchain and Bitmora technology. The official launch date for the direct exchange has not been announced but is planned to be in mid to late 2018 in the first quarter.
Our support team is dedicated and scalable. We guarantee quick ticket response times and offer live phone support the day we open.
Our team works daily to reach out to the community to see what features you think belong on an exchange, and we're listening with open minds.
Further information:
Website: https://bitmora.com/
Whitepaper: https://bitmora.com/whitepaper
Bitcointalk ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2499017
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bitmora_inc
Facebook: https://facebook.com/bitmorainc
Slack: https://bitmora.herokuapp.com/
Medium: https://medium.com/bitmora
Author (iyanfoursix46): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1061980
My Eth: 0x61b11BEA87b4492f0C0da72F4b51d4F454b626b3
Great article.
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