PARETO is a revolt service for generations and shares information about commercial opportunities in its critical field. This is intended to improve information about the most inefficient actions and marketing. This means that markets should be guided by the correct prices of these sectors.
Replicate the investment bank's search capabilities, providing a flow of information whereby anyone can access and approve the economic promoted incentives in this reality.
P H I L O S O P H Y ?
Pareto platform and cryptocurrency market ecosystem. The platform has several aspects to detail:
Procective Users of the Pareto Network must have a Pareto token (PXT) to access the Pareto Network. With its reward mechanism, the Pareto Network encourages the production of actionable and helpful market information.
More subtle, through taxonomy and organizing information feeds, the Pareto Network will play a role in the arrangement of types of information.
The Pareto Network infrastructure is designed after research on the ideals, shortcomings and advantages of others. Failed to handle or align economic incentives of market participants.
The Pareto Network philosophy can be extended to the future and the future. 8 Overview of the Pareto Network Ltd Platform
Content contributors

Content contributors may be individuals, groups or organizations. They may produce one item of information. They may produce an ongoing flow of information.
There will be two phases for contributor content content. During the first phase, Pareto will hire qualified contributors to build up information flows that can be used by token users immediately. This initial Content Contributors will be compensated by Pareto to ensure that the information database is accessible to strong and value-rated users.
In phase, both contributors will grow organically, as the contributors are attracted to the Network; they will be given an incentive to add content to PXT revenue and token from the user.
Content submissions to the Pareto Network are open to anyone. Content Contributors will pay a fee to Pareto to make their content available to users. This fee will also prevent spam or other inappropriate or irrelevant content.
Pareto is a token that is compatible with Ethereal ERC20, applicable to Ethereal keys. Provision can be used to pay for content over the network and get specific information about investment opportunities for others.
Therefore, the consensus mechanism that supports Pareto benchmark transactions is Proof of Work (POW) to date. Etereal becomes the consensus on ownership confirmation (POS). Currently, the average block time in the Ethereal block is always less than a minute. The connection in Pareto is temporary (and the expected time to confirm the transaction) or during the required time interval.
Distributed platforms and cryptographic companies are growing rapidly within a few days, as shown by the rise of encrypted investment firms. WAR is the main source of potential investors in the industry.
The perfect ecosystem benefits for cryptographic companies are trying to overcome their competitors. In the near future, and based on several years of search results, the industry will experience the growth of the blockchain platform or invest in a project.
The platform should ensure everyone is paid.
The current investment research condition for cryptocurrencies is not practical and much to be desired.
Cryptocurrencies are very different from conventional or forex stocks as the subject of investment analysis The new currency or token assessment feasibility requires an assessment of an open source software project, a proposed decentralized market model, a design for new economic and behavioral incentives, and other long-term considerations. The survival of a blockchain or protocol stack containing tokens.
Overall, the difference between the analysis of financial statements, income statements and trade transactions, as well as projections of factors such as market share. Sales and profitability in the future. In addition, investors in the crypto market have less access to traditional sources of stock or foreign exchange research.
This challenge is shaken by the new supply level and the fast crypto currency offering. In July 2017, more than 800 crypto will be available to investors, and maybe 1,000 new offerings / foreign offerings will be launched next year alone. This will definitely bring great opportunities for investors. But the various options offer a confusing view. Investors are challenged to differentiate these opportunities and seek tools to help them develop and implement investment and allocation strategies.
Currently, look for information on investing in crypto-currency space often a fairly random process. The most important sources are:
* YouTube Channels, some of which are related Specific crypto Most of these channels have between 5,000 and 25,000 customer. The quality of the production and the advice offered is very different.
* Industry news sites such as CoinDesk, Merkle, Bitcoinist, CoinTelegraph, and many others provide general news market direction, important transactions and events, press releases, individual currencies and other developments.
* Research reports on new tokens like Smith & Crown. Some reports are more comprehensive than others and many tokens do not exist objective reviews. Most of the information on this report currently appears to come from the publisher's white paper and other materials provided by the token manufacturer itself.
* Blogger, including personal blogs (often in the media) and active blogs Foundations, venture capitalists and thought sites. While Some of these writers offer valuable insights, these blogs are not
centered or organized in such a way that makes it easy to utilize such insights effectively.
* Stock market and market data: price and volume, money and mail data of the stock exchange, including historical charts. Coinmarketcap.com, Poloniex, Bittrex and others. Some provide data through the API (for example, "coincap.io").
* Block reporting as Blockchain.info and Etherscan.io, which contains information about the concentration of assets and their volume and transaction speed.
* forum posts One source a potentially accountable insight is a forum, which focuses on the individual currency. This includes Slack Channels from a developer or Foundation
itself, as well as a discussion area that focuses on Crypto in various fields
open forums like BitcoinTalk, Reddit, and StackExchange.
* Steemit provides a useful and possible source of suggestions and forecasting
including feedback compensation mechanisms. However, their focus is vast
sharing information socially about "almost everything" leads to
a more diffuse information flow.
The Pareto network creates new ecosystems that will increase efficiency in the creation and dissemination of valuable information for investors.
Ecosystems will provide incentives and mechanisms for individuals and organizations to create and share this information and then get compensation for their efforts. This will expand the coverage of existing information and provide market mechanisms for investors access to valuable information.
Using the Pareto Network platform, any Pareto Token user (PXT) can send content. This token will also be sold in your wallet.
As a buyer, you can access the appropriate resources to act by rewarding creators with Pareto tokens. The more active you are on the Pareto platform and the more you pay for the content, the higher your value.
Token Token: PXT
Token type: ERC20
The amount of PXT is 500,000,000
Percentage of PXT sold 40%
Price 1 ETH = 5 550 PXT
*Distribution Tokens*

Opening opening: October 30, 2017
Closing presentation: January 15, 2017
Bonus during pre-sale: 1 ETH = 5 550 PXT (bonus 10% to 20% from buyer)
Cap Hard: 25,000 ETH (about $ 12,000,000)

* Eric Lamison-WhiteCo Founder and CEO.
* Founder of Ted LanpherCo & CSOO.
* Chris EberleChief content.
* Dr. Anna Becker Advisor | Lead Data Scientist.
* Colin MoCommunications Strategy Guide.
* Analyst John HeffernanMarkt.
* Ian Balina Advisor.
* Enoch (Hen) TekleAdvisor.
* Christopher AguilarGeneral Counsel.
Further information:
Website: https://www.pareto.network/
Whitepaper: https://pareto.network/download/Pareto-Technical-White-Paper.pdf
Telegram: official https://t.me/paretonetwork
Facebook: https: // web.facebook.com/paretonetworkofficial?_rdc=1&_rdr
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ParetoNetwork
Author (iyanfoursix46): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1061980
My Eth: 0x61b11BEA87b4492f0C0da72F4b51d4F454b626b3
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