GENESIS is an international real estate fund and multifunctional operating platform built on the basis of blockchain and digital technology. All invested funds are used to purchase real estate that belongs to the platform and establish its assets, creating the basis for future development and enhancing the market value of the project, Innovative solutions which is realized in GENESIS provides a harmonious combination of classical methods of investment in real estate with the possibilities of achieving the most progressive and modern digital economy, Simplicity and convenience of investing, exemption of intermediaries, border removal and freedom of choice, stable guaranteed earnings, the highest level of reliability and investment security are features main of GENESIS.
Blockchain technology module The Blockchain technology.
module also ensures the storage of all transactions in the project (registering on the project and profile information, token sales, voting on issues of real estate choice). It makes it impossible to change the registration and database data of all transactions.
As an additional guarantee of investor rights and protection of their investments, mandatory inclusion is provided in the technical characteristics of a digital signature system project that provides 100% valid user identification guarantee.
*Smart contract module
The Smart Contract Block is the primary mechanism for ensuring that all operations and actions within the project ecosystem are based on rules and conditions that have been agreed and approved by all parties.
After the launch of the smart contract system, it is impossible to add and change unilaterally the initial conditions of the project operation.
Block will ensure transparency of GENESIS operations, mandatory reports and audits, voting mechanisms on issues of real estate choice, forming procedures and expenditure of development funds, and an opportunity for investors to withdraw funds from projects with buy-back tokens.
The REIT block ensures the company's credibility, protects the interests of investors, and helps attract conservative and institutional investors.
*Crypto asset module: token and cryptocurrency
Investors will enter the project by purchasing a certain number of tokens. Investors can leave the project by selling token.
Token is an investment unit of accounting. Profit investor is calculated and distributed according to the number of tokens owned by it. All tokens generate the same profit regardless of the purchase price by the project participants.
*Block investment crowd
This block will be possible to attract funds from various groups of investors, with various opportunities and financial locations. This will expand the geographical boundaries of the project, making investment procedures as simple as possible, convenient and fast.
*Participation guaranteed by investor in making decision
The opportunity to select real estate for all investors increases the economic appeal of GENESIS to various investors, not only institutional but also private and creates a mechanism for investors to control the development and operation of projects.
To make digital technology available to investors is the mission of the GENESIS team. Today we have everything to do with suses. Not just words.
We know everything about blockchain technology. We are well versed in tools such as cryptocurrency.
Well-organized for many years, the company's infrastructure, extensive teamwork experience with extensive real estate in different countries, created all the conditions for quality work in the international real estate market.
We will use a unique platform in our work that we will develop based on blockchain.
What does this give to our investors? Opportunities to invest money avoid risk for maximum profit, using digital technology and cryptocurrency.
We are well known about all the shortcomings of traditional investment in real estate. This is a high risk, no guarantee and high entry prices. Realizing this, we try not only to provide customers with services, but to make the investment process convenient and secure. Today we create a new image of the market. With us, investment in real estate is fast, reliable and secure.
GES tokens are secured by assets, linked to the highest level of assurance - by real estate. The volatility of cryptocurrency and possible collapse of cryptocurrency can not negatively affect GES token levels, as their prices are determined and based on real estate values and project profitability.
One of the main parameters for investors is the company's obligation to buy back tokens. Investors will be able to exercise the right to leave the project and sell the tokens back to the company at any time after starting the project operations.
The project investment strategy provides a mandatory extension of the GES tokens on international crypto exchange currencies. Financial estimates show that for 6-9 months after public bidding on the exchange, tokens can grow to 300% -750%.
All real estate owned by the GENESIS platform will be authorized, you will have your share of real estate, according to the amount of investment.
Holders of GES tokens will benefit from the realization of special projects. This will provide 25% -75% additional income to investors.
We deal in real estate for more than 15 years. Our team employees own and manage successful real estate in different countries. Together, we sign contracts with more than $ 100 million per year.
The issue and distribution of GES tokens are made in accordance with EU legislation. All necessary information and documents can be found in the section about the company.
We do not work in one particular area, our employees and partners are constantly in various places in Planet and choose the best object in the real estate market. We provide an opportunity for each project participant to offer his own object, and it will be reviewed. Our specialists will make the necessary analysis, and in the case of a positive result we will buy it through the GENESIS platform.
You desperately need money, but you do not want to sell GES tokens and leave the project ... we have imagined this! You will be able to take out a loan with minimal interest, and use your token as collateral, which will be returned to you upon repayment.
Your profits will not depend on the exchange rate of crypto currency, the profits from the use of fixed real estate and tied to the euro. You will be able to choose how to get your dividends - in cryptocurrency currency, in euro to your account or on credit cards, issued by our platform.
January 25, 2018
Start pre-registration!
April 1 - May 15, 2018
Conducting an ITO project.
May 2018
Accrued token in partner's personal wallet.
May - July 2018
Evaluation. Registration of real estate on property.
June 2018
Launch of online project platform.
Start the company's office operations activity.
July 2018
Mobile app development for private investor's cabinet
October 2018
First and last accrual of payments to investors.
Launched EXEX GDEX internally.
Q4 2018
Placement in token pool market GES.
Bringing the value of the company's assets to 50-60 million euros.
Starting from the first special project.
2019 year
GES token output on exchange of crypto exchange, putting in
token pool GES market . Bringing the value of the company's assets to 100-120 million €
with nominal value of GES tokens.
Placement in token pool market GES. Bringing the company's asset value
to 250-300 million € with nominal value of GES tokens.

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Author (iyanfoursix46):;u=1061980
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