HUSSY.io is a set of tokens designed to create a blockbased platform that allows prostitutes and clients to exchange crypto-currencies for sexual services. The HUSSY platform will ensure that both service providers and clients are tested to minimize the likelihood of the transmission of STDs and possible trafficking cases.
Model HUSSY Blockchain for adult functions of KYC Compliance- Each HUSSY participant will need to fill in "Know Your Customer" to make sure that he is of legal age. Information passes through the due diligence protocol to find out details and after the service provider is approved, receives the KYC certificate.
Red Light Legal, which offers legal representation for all involved in the sex trade, makes an online introduction to your skills in terms of the right to capture.
Anti-sexual laws often do not allow support groups to provide security resources to vulnerable sex workers by comparing aid to pimps, pursuing or encouraging trafficking, When sex work is not a crime, these groups can with easy to help sex workers.
Criminalization and aggressive battles against sex work encourage sex workers to work underground and in unsafe conditions, possibly creating new victims of trafficking and making sex workers less secure. However, in practice, the true purpose of the fight against human trafficking has been marginalized, low-income consensual sex workers, whose livelihood and ability to remain secure for long periods of time depend on resources that have been erased from the Internet to stop trading.
It seems worth asking why members of Congress can go on the road when it comes to enacting laws that suppress freedom of speech and reduce the safety of women and men who only earn a living - despite the fact that proven decisions in practice to make sex safer and effective fight against trade human, rejected by liberal and conservative Christian feminists.
A broad group of groups, including Amnesty International, USA Freedom Network, Traffic Global Alliance of Women, Human Rights Watch, UNAIDS, WHO, International Coalition for Women's Health, and various advocacy groups and sex worker support groups, support decriminalization recognize that eliminating the possibility of arrest is the best way to ensure security and effectively combat trafficking. They noted that sex workers prefer to trade with friends, entertainment, amulets and other services with adults, and those who are victims of trafficking are forced to provide such services against their will. The upper crust client can be a sex worker on the site, which provides filtering services for top-ranking "adult colleagues". Middle Joe, on the other hand, can find more economical options in the "escort" section of other sites.
Understanding this reality is the key to combating trade disasters in our country. The sex trade in America is a more hidden activity hidden in the commercial sex industry, which has been growing in our country for decades, and also in clear form with legitimate business errors. This development occurs almost a month after the Chamber agrees to allow Americans and victims to deal with laws relating to sexual contact with women in voting, or FOSTA 388-25 persons involved in online placement or prostitution ads for federal crime.
According to their sponsors, they are an aggressive law that will help destroy merchants who force women and minors to have sex with their wishes - a mission most of us can handle. A related plan aimed at stopping banking services for "merchants" finds the same broad support that goes through 408-2 in the House, and proximity in the Senate seems highly likely.
It is likely that this law will be challenged in court and, finally, challenged lawyers argue that, in particular, the initial bill devoted to a variety of sexual issues defined as "trafficking in persons" is more likely to reduce freedom of speech, press online-platform. To censor users, not to fight human trafficking. For those for whom sex work is the only sensible option, which means another way to work the street sex or the use of a potentially serious pimp or institution, landed in a situation where fighting human trafficking states that it protects them.
Occupational Health Protection In the case of STDs, high in the sex industry, HUSSY will provide information measures to ensure regular health screening of its service providers, from which they receive the STD verification certificate.
Proof of approval Service providers and customers will also scan the QR code using the HUSSY mobile app to determine their consent to have sex with other parties. The PoC Agreement goes into a blocking database for secure confirmation and storage.
* Advantages of HUSSY *
Decentralization of sex workers and customers can work and smoothly conduct transactions among themselves without the need for a third party payment service.
The anonymity of the user interface works through blockchain technology and with its anonymity indicates that the user ID remains anonymous from verification
KYC's compliance safety and performance checks help both sides on the HUSSY platform to safely treat health, payments and service quality.
The flexible payment schedule of various sex services in HUSSY will allow customers to scan rates and pay their money with the best value for money.
* Token & ICO *
HUSSY intends to release the public ICO sale date after the personal sale ends.
Sales of public token 50 million HUS
Private sale of token 10 million HUS
Treasury reserve 21 million UAH.
Bounty 3 million HUS Program
Team members and advisors 13 million HUS
The initial device is 3 million HUS
Token details
Accept - ETH
Model ERC-20
Hard stamp $ 30,000,000
Soft cover 3 000 000 US dollars
Shipping Token 100 000 000 HUS
Tokens for sale 60 000 000 HUS
There is a growing discussion about the need to protect sex workers from escalating violence against them, and HUSSY seems to have found a solution to this threat. However, significant deficiencies associated with chain block service are the legal and moral obligations in different countries.
Despite the fact that it eliminates the shame, security and security of the sex industry because of the crypto currency, many countries have a legal relationship to the purchase of sex for money, leaving behind a crypto currency.
Website: https://hussy.io
Whitepaper: https://hussy.io/app/assets/whitepaper.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/hussy_io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hussy_io
Facebook: https://fb.me/hussy.io
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3593624.0
Author (iyanfoursix46): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1061980
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