Kisah kami menceritakan tentang bisnis keluarga industri dengan pengalaman bertahun-tahun di bidang pabrik teknik berat. Produksi keramik dan pengetahuan kita sekarang akan digunakan dalam pengembangan dan produksi cara ramah lingkungan baru untuk mengekstraksi logam mulia dari bumi. Emas yang akan ditambang, diperoleh hanya melalui token GNTO kami di platform Goldenugget, akan ditampilkan di properti kami di Afrika Barat, tempat kami telah hadir selama lebih dari 10 tahun. Ini adalah perbedaan besar antara kami dan 99% dari proyek tersebut dengan "jaminan emas" pada blockchain. Afro Splendid Minerals Co. Ltd., sebuah perusahaan yang didirikan di Ghana, 100% dimiliki oleh pendiri Goldeuger, didirikan pada 2011 sebagai perusahaan rental untuk pertambangan dan mesin pemindah tanah berat. Afrika adalah salah satu pasar dengan pertumbuhan tercepat di dunia. Kami bersemangat tentang benua besar yang memiliki banyak hal untuk ditawarkan. Tujuan kami adalah untuk be...
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2019
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PointPay is creating a fundamentally new product that combines three services in a single closed-loop ecosystem, PointPay Crypto Bank, PointPay Crypto Exchange platform and PointPay Multi-currency Wallet. PointPay has business contacts with more than 50 banks and 25 payment systems, as well as 20 lawyers who deal with issues of licensing cryptobusiness. PointPay have 4 years of experience in supporting the functioning of payment systems, including signing contracts, working with banks, working with other payment systems, paying out funds, and building complex payment schemes. PointPay are currently conducting a crowdfunding campaign through the sale of 500,000,000 PXP tokens in order to raise funds for the development of fully functional versions of the products. THE TOKEN PointPay Token will be released based on the Ethereum platform and fully comply with the ERC20 standard. This will ensure security of the transactions, compatibility with the third-party servi...
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IDLV is an ecosystem membership application and internet platform. They will focus on premium delivery and auto repair. IDLV will have a strategic alliance with ANTERIN ( for running its business. ANTERIN is a beginner company that provides premium-class cars and motorbikes throughout Indonesia. ANTERIN customers are provided with IDLV to use ANTERIN services. IDLV maximizes customer benefits by combining Fin-Tech and the blockchain in the rapidly growing O2O market in Indonesia. IDLV (member token) is obtained using the Anterin services, and can also be acquired directly through the exchange of a chain of blocks. Having received membership in Anterin, you will receive the following benefits. 1) Depending on the level of your membership, you will receive various benefits, such as redemption points and travel vouchers. In addition to Anterin services, money back points can be used for various types of consumption through an online shopping cente...
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The new blockchain project aims to complement this future, the main goal of which is to bring all trade calculations to the most liquid position, as well as to provide a reliable environment for the settlement and coordination of all internal issues within the peer-to-peer network, Called the project AhrvoDEEX. In simple terms, AhrvoDEEX is a new decentralized exchange whose mission is to provide an enhanced opportunity for each individual participant of the system. Where anyone will find reliable and highly effective tools to conduct their investment and market relations, as well as be able to create any level of wealth with the help of brokerage tools. The founders AhrvoDEEX had assumed a responsible mission to create a platform so convenient, simple and intuitive, so everyone had the opportunity to learn all the subtleties and nuances of crypto-currency brokerage market, and improve already existing indicators for higher due to ever-expanding environment AhrvoDEEX. ...
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Auditchain Companies create such an ecosystem, which combines blockchain conventions and open source libraries from smart measurement contracts. This makes it possible to collect, process, examine and provide business information and strive to implement progressively on a non-stop premise. Thus it is possible to lead a constant autonomous audit and improve the dimensions of the current accounting and control model. The platform will use a decentralized DCARPE convention. Progressive modes, asset reports, salary articulation, cash flow, reports on changes in investor value and many other important instructions will no longer be wrong. Auditchain organization supports imaginative technology A stack that combines various layers, for example, basic convention layers, smart contract layers, application layers, ongoing hub audit layers, money related disclosure layers. Audit reports are given at the right time using the Auditchain open disclosure console. If it is important to ...
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* Об уточнении среды * Тенденции создания, передачи и потребления видео по всему миру претерпевают серьезные сбои. Различия между печатными и цифровыми средствами массовой информации, видеоиграми и спортом, беспроводным и фиксированным доступом в Интернет, платным телевидением и Over-the-Top (OTT), социальными и традиционными средствами массовой информации стираются. Для потребителей во всем мире развлечения стали больше необходимостью. Он обеспечивает врата к счастью и удовольствию во время мгновенных передышек, которые люди получают в этом быстро развивающемся мире. Неудивительно, что индустрия развлечений и медиа приносит годовой доход более 2 триллионов долларов по всему миру. США (750 млрд долларов), Китай (190 млрд долларов) и Япония (157 млрд долларов) являются мировыми лидерами на рынках E & M. Производственные дома и студии, которые когда-то покорили среду E & M, теперь стремятся искать своих партнеров, агрессивных и амбициозных провайдеров онлайн-трансляц...