
Ultra lightweight and super fast. That is what I am looking for when I am searching for a program to do anything ranging from opening images to editing video. Heavy and slow applications irritate me, and a lot of people share the same feeling. Sluggish programs invoke something primitive in our lizard brains, similar to a sense when an animal is caught in a trap. We feel that the darn stupidly slow program traps us, and we just want to get on with our lives, just like when we are stuck in traffic. Temtum, as a cryptocurrency and temporal blockchain, is the solution just for that, it is super fast and ultra lightweight. Temtum is created by researchers, and the temporal network it uses is heaps better than the blockchain structure we have been using up until now.

Temtum is a new, lightweight peer-to-peer cryptocurrency, where anyone can support the Temporal Blockchain network by creating a new world of financial freedom from centralized.

Temporal network speeds are unmatched in existing blockchain technology: 120,000 TPS are supported in our environment laboratory and are unlimited, which directly depends on the scale of the network.

Ultralight architecture, efficiency and consistency of transactions at Temporal leads to extraordinary verification speeds.

Temporal allows you to store data on a node for a short time, while maintaining the integrity of the blockchain and its full history. Thanks to our consensus algorithm, transactions are no longer needed to be sent to each node, sent, they are sent directly to the leader node. Therefore the resources for duplicating unnecessary messages are not wasted.

This reduction in storage and reinforcement makes it possible to complement in the network using devices with limited resources, while using less energy from existing blockchain technology.

Specifically made around the NIST flare, Temporal transmits complete entropy bit strings in blocks of 512 bits every 60 seconds. This stable method produces randomness, focus, autonomy, and consistency in making keys that are not possible for initial calculations. Temporal quantum mechanics and the use of light above the processor create a level that has never been supported in previous computing.

Temporary network topologies and implementations have been repeatedly approved by BSI Crest accredited companies and have proven to be very reliable and reliable as well as requiring our requirements.

*Our vision*

This provides an extraordinary opportunity that has so far been almost untouched. In order for cryptocurrency to grow, blockchain now needs to take the next step in its evolution. And that's where the temtum comes in. Temtum can help secure a truly distributed, decentralized and democratic future for financial transactions. It is a future that does not damage the environment. The future is for everyone, wherever they live in the world, where the benefits of cryptocurrency are available and accessible to all. We not only see this positive future, we have designed technology, built it, tested it and mapped out how it will be implemented as the most effective medium of exchange.

*Speed ​​and Scalability*

The network has achieved truly decentralized scalability, approaching instant transaction speeds and unprecedented transaction throughput, using low resources and proof-proof cryptographic security in the future.

*Temtum represents a paradigm shift from the current blockchain network*

The proven blockchain network works depending on the decentralization of hashing power to ensure network security - attackers who are able to gain control of more than 51% of the resources of each proof blockchain provided will be able to run successful multiple expenditure attacks with high probability of success. This is sometimes called Sybil's attack.

To eliminate the threat of Sybil attacks, the reputation and monitoring system ensures that attackers cannot only add more resources to the network for an hour, as might be the case with contemporary proof-of-work blockchain networks. An attacker needs to add additional resources to the public network and operate it honestly for 6-12 months before such an attack can be carried out.


*How temtum (TEM) works*

The network achieves proof of future cryptographic security, very fast transaction speeds, energy efficiency, unprecedented transaction throughput, and real decentralized scalability.

Temtum is our token to be used as a method of exchanging goods and services using the Temporal Blockchain network.

*NIST Beacon*

We use a lot of the NIST Randomness Beacons in the traditional consensus algorithm and as a timestamp in making blocks. NIST Randomness Beacon eliminates the need for consensus on Proof of Work that is energy intensive and eliminates the possibility of forks on the blockchain or multiple expenses. temtum is the first cryptographic protocol that commercially distributes successful implementations of random numbers generated by NIST Randomness Beacon.

*General algorithm consensus algorithm*

We define a small subset of nodes that function as semi-trusted authority nodes. Number of semi-trusted authority nodes, lists sent with general software, scales with network load. The function of semi-trusted authority nodes in a traditional ecosystem can be compared to the presence of similar nodes in decentralized peer to peer privacy networks, which use "directory authority."

*Temporal Blockchain*

Temporal technology provides a traditional network with "erasable" blockchain, distributing blockchain data storage on a variety of specialized nodes to allow low-power devices to participate in the network temtum.

*Blockchain Research*

We have spent the last 5 years studying the Blockchain and winning the only Blockchain PhD as part of our founding team. This research leads to the development of superior Temporal Blockchain, comparing below what is currently considered the industry's leading technology.


Dr. Douglas Mekin - President:

Douglas is an experienced technical manager who has worked for many years in the field of engineering, product development, quality systems, processes and operations in advanced technology industries. He is a proven leader in business and operations and an agent of change in a global context, moving large organizations around the world, while managing a massive increase in scale, complexity and business volume. He is committed to the effective and motivational leadership of teams and the development of human potential. Most recently, Douglas was the corporate vice president of global supplier management at Lam Research Corporation, a leading semiconductor processing equipment provider based in Silicon Valley, California. Doug is the CEO of Temtum and is on the board of directors.

Richard Dennis - Director of Development:

Richard is the founder of Dragon and an internationally recognized, prolific and amazing expert in the field of cybersecurity and cryptography. He is also recognized worldwide as one of the world's leading cybersecurity lecturers, specializing in secure networks, blockchain and encryption. He has a significant amount of published research, which has been cited hundreds of times in the Blockchain, and presentations on next-generation solutions on a wide range of issues, including Bitcoin wallet vulnerability, Bitcoin scalability analysis and Ethereum, as well as a formal analysis of the Time Block.

Ginger Saltos - Technology Director:

Ginger has a master’s degree in IT security, a master’s degree in forensic science and has worked extensively as a telematics engineer. She has five years of experience in public and private companies in the field of security auditing in Ecuador and has advised the government of Ecuador on the security of systems, policies and procedures. She is currently a professor at ESPOL, teaching programming, databases, IT security and forensic science. Certificate of ethical hacker Open-Sec OP3N-53C 37H1C4L H4CK3R (OSEH). She is also a PhD candidate on the topic of Phylogenetic Malware Analysis. Her main areas of expertise are artificial intelligence and Internet security.

Dr. Gareth Owenson - Director of Information Security:

Gareth has a Ph.D. in computer science and a bachelor's degree in Internet technology and is an expert in Internet security, cryptography and distributed systems. He has conducted research in large distributed systems, especially interested in cryptographic applications such as darknet and digital forensics, including the development of automatic analysis methods for rapidly reversing the development of advanced malware programs to determine their functionality and developing countermeasures. He is the author of many publications in magazines and conferences and regularly serves as a referee for Elsevier, IEEE and CHINACOM. He did a lot of research into the use of darknets; He is widely recognized as an expert in this field and often speaks on this topic. He also advised the UK and US governments on dark networks and Internet filtering policies.

David Hodkinson - Finance Director:

David is the co-founder and CEO of Harvex, a specialized firm working with clients in the field of cryptocurrency, blockchains and online games. He has worked with many valuable ICOs, advising on international structuring, banking, and taxation. As a qualified accountant, he oversaw the financial issues of a wide range of cryptocurrency companies. Along with this, he took part in the strategic launch of many companies involved in online games and the integration of cryptocurrency with these platforms.

Cyntia Aguirre - chief software architect:

Cyntia is a Master of Science in Software Engineering with extensive experience in software development and IT architecture. She has four years of experience as a full stack developer, as well as developing and implementing software as an IT architect for the financial industry (Banco del Austro SA) . She also has a PMP (Project Manager Professional) accreditation certified by the United States Institute for Project Management.

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