Ixinium is a cryptographic hybrid with a mechanism to protect client assets that is better than other banks in the world, and the use of Ixinium currency crypto also creates a number of benefits for all insurance users at full cost. Ixinium's vision is to provide digital currencies supported by decentralized and transparent assets that are fully insured for replacement value.
Vloem Ixinium (XXA) is fully protected by law, paper or paper money based on so-called stable coins (USDT, TUSD, USDC, GUSD, etc.). Ixinia cryptocurrency is supported by gold, silver, palladium and platinum. Ixinium uses IXAT feeder tokens to convert various physical physical precious metals into digital XXA coins. IXAT levels range from 1: 1 to 1.00 dollars.
*Mission IXINIUM *
The background of Ixinium's vision is based on more than 4 years of research.
In this study the main focus was to find the "why" question.
regarding client investment safety, transparency for clients, client protection and asset value structure behind actual products.
These studies show us that in many cases the words transparent and the safety of the client's investment are fully set or not even urgent. After showing some problems, the Ixinium Project began to have a basic structure, what was missing from the market and how it worked.
* Why is IXINIUM *
Ixinium ICO is sold, 100% of funds are used for precious metals to support the price of Ixinium XXA.
Ixinium, a crypto-financial hybrid, while Ixinium has a client asset protection mechanism that is better than any bank in the world can offer, using Ixinium cryptocurrency also creates value benefits for all users, while insured from full value.
* 100% Supported by insured assets.
* Using blockchain stars has less inflation risk.
* Fast Transactions.
*Benefits of Ixinium*

These are the benefits that you will get with IXINIUM:
Low volatility unlike most cryptocurrency. Establish a yield mechanism to improve basic values and markets. Packed by precious metals, not just another line of cryptocurrency code. Finance markets paradise products that are safe. Excellent value increases the effect of stock market crashes and global turmoil.
1. Accepted Worldwide
Ixinium is accepted throughout the world.
2. Decentralized Currency
And XXA is supported by 100% insured assets.
3. Safe and comfortable
You can save your XXA safely on Mobile or Web Wallet.
4. Low Inflation Risk
And as XXA tokens are created using the Stellar Blockchain there is a low risk of inflation.
5. Easy payment
And XXA payments are just a click away.
Ixinium’s vision to provide digital currencies is supported by centralized and transparent assets, which are supported insured for replacement value.
The value of Ixinium (XXA) is fully reserved, unlike fiat or fiat currencies based on so-called stable coins (USDT, TUSD, USDC, GUSD, etc.). Ixinium cryptocurrency is supported by gold, silver, palladium and platinum.
Ixinium uses the IXAT asset feeder token, to transfer the value of physical precious metals to XXA digital coins. The value of IXAT is 1: 1 to $ 1.00.
Mobile App step by step for save XXA token.
Store Your XXA Securely on Lobstr Wallet.

Download Lobstr wallet for Android/IOS Register and login.
Create Trustline For XXA. By going to assets, add custom token and enter domain name as ixinium.io and add XXA.
Ixinium ICO dijual, 100% dana digunakan untuk logam mulia untuk mendukung harga Ixinium XXA.
Ixinium, hibrida crypto-financial, sementara Ixinium memiliki mekanisme perlindungan aset klien yang lebih baik daripada yang bisa ditawarkan oleh bank mana pun di dunia, penggunaan Ixinium cryptocurrency juga menciptakan manfaat nilai bagi semua pengguna, sementara diasuransikan dari nilai penuh.
Ixinium ICO dijual, 100% dana digunakan untuk logam mulia untuk mendukung harga Ixinium XXA
1. Mulai tanggal:
1 Oktober 2019
2. Kurs:
1 XXA = $ 6,6525
3. Tanggal Berakhir:
30 Desember 2019
4. Min Pembelian:
0,05BTC, 0,1ETH, 1000 XLM
5. Topi Keras:
6. Dapat diterima:

Spesifikasi cryptocurrency Ixinium:
1. Pasokan maksimum XXA: 540'000'000: 100,00%
2. Perusahaan (dikunci 5thn): 26'460'000: 4,9%
3. Pendiri, tim: 10'000'000: 1,85%
4. Cadangan hadiah: 800'000: 0,15%
5. Mulai pendanaan putaran: 2'740 '000: 0,51%
6. Sirkulasi pasar: 500'000'000: 92,59%
Token Sale
Penjualan Ixinium ICO, 100% dari dana tersebut digunakan untuk logam mulia untuk mendukung harga Ixinium XXA
Putaran ICO 1
1 XXA = $ 6,6525 <35% -25% bonus
hingga 189.000.000 XXA
Putaran ICO 2
1 XXA = $ 7,5395 <60% -15% bonus
hingga 324.000.000 XXA
ICO Round 3
1 XXA = $ 8,4265 <85% - bonus 5%
hingga 459.000.000 XXA
* Token Information *

Token Name: Ixinium
symbol: XXA
Exchange 1 XXA = 6.6525
Start date: October 1, 2019
End Date: December 30, 2019
Minimum purchases: 0, 05BTC, 0.1ETH, 1000 XLM
Helmet: $ 5,005 341 000
Acceptable: BTC, ETH, XLM


Website: https://ixinium.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OIxinium
Telegram: https://t.me/XXAofficial
FaceBook: https://facebook.com/ixinium
Medium: https://medium.com/@ixinium/
Author (3pas): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2635801
ETH address: 0x4bDd6F4dDbC8Eecb266bB107f1Aa10e3E0e9DBa1
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