

Pertukaran Aurix adalah pertukaran kelas dunia di mana para penggemar kripto dapat membeli mata uang kripto dan chip digital berkualitas tinggi. Aurix didirikan oleh Majed Mohsen (CEO). Platform ini dirancang untuk memastikan transaksi yang aman, aman, dan otonom.

Dengan teknologi canggih kami, Anda dapat melakukan transaksi bisnis online namun tetap merahasiakan identitas Anda. Dana Anda aman dan terlindungi dari jangkauan peretas dan pencuri crypto.

Aurix memungkinkan pengguna untuk membeli dan menjual mata uang digital sebanyak yang mereka inginkan dalam hitungan detik. Pertukaran mempertahankan tingkat keamanan tertinggi untuk memastikan bahwa dana Anda aman. Dan nyaman bagi pengguna, memungkinkan mereka untuk berdagang menggunakan aplikasi dan desktop - semuanya tanpa gangguan. Pedagang yang membayar dalam AUR menikmati diskon tambahan di platform.


* Untuk membuat dunia cryptocurrency lebih transparan dan lebih ramah pengguna.

* Untuk memberi orang akses mudah ke dana kripto, opsi pertukaran, dan banyak lagi solusi teknologi yang nyaman.

* Untuk meningkatkan penggantian sistem perbankan tradisional dengan keuangan desentralisasi.

Untuk mewujudkan visi ini, kami melakukan yang terbaik untuk mendefinisikan kembali bagaimana uang kripto dipindahkan, dibelanjakan, dan diinvestasikan. Kami mengembangkan solusi berteknologi tinggi yang memungkinkan orang dan organisasi menggunakan cryptocurrency semudah mereka menggunakan fiat. Karenanya, kami berharap dapat menarik lebih banyak pendatang baru dan mendorong mereka untuk beralih ke layanan keuangan kripto yang lebih sederhana dan berguna.


Safe transaction:

Aurix has unbeatable execution speed which makes all transactions fast and efficient. In addition, the data on the platform conforms to the PCI DSS standard, and the platform is safe from DDoS attacks.


Transactions are fast, and at the same time, the site is user friendly. Transaction fees are very competitive, compared to other related platforms.


Aurix is highly trusted around the world for its continuous pursuit of innovation, and inventive features that are capable of changing the management of goods and services globally.


To achieve this goal, we provide people with easy access to crypto funds, exchange options and many more convenient technology solutions.

in this way, we are contributing to the global transition to cryptocurrency and increasing the replacement of traditional banking systems with decentralized finance.


We are proud to say that the Aurix ecosystem is built to solve them all:

*Low liquidity and transaction speed

*High or hidden commissions

*Inherent complexity

*Insecurity and untrustworthiness

*The Solutions*

Aurix Exchange offers the highest liquidity with fast transaction execution, so users can buy and sell as many coins as they want in less than a second.

All Aurix products have low predefined commissions, so no hidden fees.

We build our solutions based on customer development research, so they all have an intuitive design with user-friendly interfaces.

Lastly, Aurix is built with adherence to high security standards. Aurix is blockchainbased, which keeps transactions safe, secure, and autonomous.

AURIX Combines multiple settings into one Ecosystem

We have a trade where clients can exchange digital currency. It upholds a large number of the most commonly exchanged digital currencies, for example, BTC, ETH, and BCH, and offers high liquidity.

In addition, Aurix offers a Visa / Mastercard Card with DeFi cashback which allows cardholders to pay with crypto anywhere and anytime. Also, the card has no annual fee.

Solutions for different internet businesses and organizations Last but not least, we have unique answers for internet businesses and organizations that may wish to start tolerating digital currency. To make such exchanges even simpler, Aurix has created an excellent shop module that can fit almost any framework

We have our own Aurix coin token, however, it is not the client's only option. Aurix Tokens offer our customers some additional benefits, for example, lower exchange fees but not having to own them. We really value clients who choose to stake Aurix tokens, and furthermore, uphold the usability of our blockchain network. As a result, the guaranteed size of the AUR to approve blockchain tasks characterizes the comprehensive advantages that clients can appreciate in our biological system: from fee exchange limits to cashback to advanced expansion.


The fee and benefits structure strongly motivates the staking and usage of Aurix Tokens. Staking the Aurix Token upgrades a user’s level on the platform, according to the amount of the Aurix tokens staked.

Any higher level is generously rewarded by discounts on trading fees, an increase in available leverage, and a wide variety of other rewards, depending on the amount of the Aurix tokens held.


Aurix Token (AUR) is a utility token that has some features over and above simple payment functionality. AUR powers the overall Aurix ecosystem, giving the user particular benefits such as reduced fees on the platform.


Aurix Initial Exchange Offering will consist of 3 rounds, the first of which will commence on January 21st. Early IEO participants will receive additional bonus tokens.

Phase 1: 21/01/2021, 10:00am, GMT – 03/02/2020 11:00pm, GMT | $1.00 | 20% Bonus!
Phase 2: 08/02/2021, 10:00am, GMT – 22/02/2021 11:00pm, GMT | $1.00 | 10% Bonus!
Phase 3: 26/02/2021, 10:00am, GMT – 12/03/2021 11:00pm, GMT | $1.00 | 5% Bonus!


Token name: Aurix
Token class: Utility Token
Token ticker: AUR
Issuing entity: AUR Protocol Labs
Token total supply: 20.000.000 AUR


Aurix is wasting no time and is advancing rapidly towards this vision. Organizing a fundraising campaign on ExMarkets is just the start. Traders who join today will also be joining the future of the new financial world order.

For more information:


Bitcointalk Username : nyi
Telegram Username : @nyiputri
ETH Wallet : 0x02BCa17AD0ba77c965dfaFCCA83dE602c3906E89


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