Ellcrys is a decentralized version control system that allows people worldwide to build open source software products collectively. Contributor to the open source accept coins as rewards when they are accepted, they can also retain some ownership and receive income from income generating projects. Collaborators can develop and apply your own web sites, mobile applications, smart contracts, libraries, etc. Ellcrys also provides a decentralized platform where the source code can be stored, hold sensor and very available. Open source software has been instrumental to the success of many companies to add value to our lives. More than 78% of the company at this time, use open source. Many of them use open source as part of our premium products while providing little or no back to the Manager and the community. Only a few open source projects that attract corporate sponsors and many others do not. Website: https://ellcrys.co/ Open source contributor Ellcrys need to provide ...
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2018
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The RSA cryptography platform is now 40 years old. While it has served well in securing the Internet and digital communications, its days are numbered due to the unyielding advance of Moore’s law and the emergence of quantum computing. Significant effort and resources are being employed by hackers to crack RSA and other forms of encryption. The rise of quantum computing makes cracking RSA and various other forms of encryption feasible in the near future. Classical computers use binary bits, which have a value of either zero or one. Strings of these zeroes and ones translate into data, but the nature of the bit means only one calculation can be done at a time. However, with quantum computing, each quantum bit (called a qubit) can both be a zero and one at the same time. This difference means quantum computers can store vastly more data, and do many more calculations per second, making them perfect for code breaking applications. With these quantum computing technologies on the cusp...
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Tutellus is the first educational platform that pays students to learn (proof of learning) and rewards teachers according to their impact on their students' success (evidence of teaching). Tutelus.io produces ecosystems where students and teachers earn money depending on the actions and activities they generate on the platform, which also provides all the agents (students, teachers and companies) with access to news sources, prospects, candidates, and services. Tutellus will be EdTech's first decentralized platform, addressing the challenges faced by the education sector by using blockchain technology. Blockchain will make it possible to create digital assets (or tokens) that will be at the core of the new system of incentives for the Tutellus community. Tutellus contributed three key elements to make this project a success: 1. Business model that works since 2013 with a community of one million users and 130,000 videos. 2. Platforms that pay users for t...
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Giftcoin is an existing tamper cryptographic tamper blocker solution to eliminate possible misuse or betrayal of goodwill. It has been developed to make transactions between donors and recipients without any other third parties in between. This will ensure that transactions take place in secrecy, and reach the recipient in full amount. Smart contracts will replace one of the main problems that exist in funding donations, connecting good samariterers without paying for the services and operating costs of organizations that manually carry out campaigns. This will restore confidence in the system how donations work, by making the system more accessible to the wider public and allowing more individuals to participate. Giftcoin is a confidence recovery technology that will shake up existing donation and funding processes, ensuring that you have a role in shaping the future with socially responsible society. In addition, Giftcoin will also motivate project leaders to pursue their f...
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Bitcoin is a remarkable cryptographic achievement and the ability to create something that is not duplicable in the digital world has the enormous value" - by Eric Schmidt. The crypto world is revolutionizing the digital market and its adoption has increased after its great success. The big corporations have understood its power and all are scrambling to adopt blockchain technology. It is not something "unregulated", it is regulated by algorithm instead of government bureaucracies says, Andreas Antonopoulos. The companies want to adopt blockchain technology but there are no crypto experts who they can hire. The extra credit provides a solution to this struggle by providing a Bitcoin educational platform which will produce bitcoin experts. Let's know more about the project. Extra credit - Be Blockchain expert Extra Credit provides you with decentralized blockchain educational platform which will solve the unavailability of blockchain experts. It offe...
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Helbiz adalah pasar peer-to-peer yang membuat rental mobil, sepeda motor atau sepeda nyaman, terjangkau dan bermanfaat. Helbiz juga termasuk pendekatan akrab untuk perdagangan otomotif di sektor transportasi dengan teknologi Blockchain. Ekosistem mobilitas kami akan segera memberikan akses ke kendaraan individual, juga armada dan layanan transportasi lainnya. Helbiz Mobility System adalah platform berbasis Blockchain Ethereum dan didukung oleh HelbizCoin marker (HBZ). Helbiz akan menjadi perusahaan pertama yang mengadopsi HelbizCoin dan menggunakan sistem mobile Helbiz, sebuah platform yang akan terbuka bagi perusahaan lain yang memiliki kepentingan dalam layanan terkait mobilitas (seperti perusahaan asuransi) dan siap bergabung dalam revolusi Blockchain menggunakan data dan menciptakan dApps. (desentralisasi aplikasi) pada sistem mobilitas Helbiz. Platform Helbiz akan memungkinkan semua pihak yang berpartisipasi mendapatkan imbalan atas kontribusinya terhadap ekosistem ...
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The Gaming ecosystem there is largely a reputation-based reputation built by increased advertising. To acquire and retain players, the casino was forced to spend a lot of money to build trust and reputation through brand awareness. In addition, great casino control the development of the game. Players are forced to trust the casino because of lack of transparency means the player is not able to track their bets so can't judge the legitimacy of every bet. Smaller developers are also suffering because they get a small percentage of the income and the face of the game. The difficulty of publishing new games, such as: lack of income and direct access to the main gaming platforms. *The Vision Of The Project* JoyToken is committed to presenting a more intelligent games to new casino players and there are existing with innovative and creative game developers easy access to operators in our one-stop solution. JoyToken provide this in four easy steps: *Simple integration an...
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DocTailor is unique in conforming to intelligent legal contract platforms, enabling lawyers, individuals, and organizations to post and create intelligent contracts that are legally tailored and deal on blockchain. There are many requests for smart contracts, though few utilize the services already available. In fact, while almost half of all senior executives believe there is value in smart contracts in blockchain, and while they will be happy To use smart contracting services, reports show that only 13% actually incorporate technology into their work. This highlight the fact that something is missing from existing services preventing widespread adoption. * DocTailor issues * Blockchain technology remains relatively new and yet to be found concept; a fact which, in part, is responsible for the current low adoption rates that have been witnessed. Many businesses and consumers are still not fully onboard with understanding, and blockchain has become a controversial top...
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SMART Valley is a decentralized innovation that brings together investors, projects and experts whose ecosystem is a closed professional community, where all members are unified by the same goal - to create progress, high technology. The SMART Valley system gives participants the opportunity to raise funds, hire members teams, looking for business partners, and realizing their ideas - no matter where they are in the world. Our project will allow investors worldwide to invest in high-potential projects securely and legally while developers will be able to raise funds and build strong teams, provide experts and service providers with attractive projects for work and jobs that are stable. Ecosystems are being developed as decentralized applications based on Ethereal. *How Smart Valley works* • Projects are evaluated using a unique automated solution: experts and community members choose the project, resulting in a decentralized, reliable, multidimensional assessment; • Ass...